Thursday, October 3, 2013

Let it be a cloud with a silver lining, be the Sun NOW

To be honest, today wasn't worthy (to me) to be officially recognized as a whole Tender Mercy Terrific Day. I was in a gloom mood, I just wanted to stay at the Home Office instead of going around with my family (as much as I love them to death) to Best Buy, El Toro,some stores and I didn't have much of an appetite when we ate at the Filipino Store; resulting in only eating two big pieces of Kare-Kare (it's meat basically) and a leaf of spinach. When we got home, I basically cornered myself in the end of the table and did work on the computer the rest of the afternoon. I finally stopped and turned off the computer for a break when it was time to watch Glee (It's the second half of the Season Premiere). That and other things that will be mentioned here, turned it around for me, that and the soon-to-be mentioned subjects,was MY silver lining.

Let it be a gray cloud, for sometime, another day, the next day, later...SOON it will be a sunshine or even a rainbow

Let the today happen, and if you really want that dream, that want to happen, make it happen SOON.

But there's also the NOW, which, if you flip it the other way around, it will say WON.

There are some that are appropriate to put in the soon box, but there's much more to but in the NOW box

Bright Dreams? Do it NOW, that meaning as soon as possible, before that chance becomes a lost opportunity

Communication Matters? Take care of it NOW, one more day of waiting= one more day of regret of not saying anything and going through that issue.

Problems? Resolve it now,and you be the light that shines in that darkness, that light of hope to you and others.

I might not know you personally, but I know of you. You are Smart, You are a Human, You are a Learner. You know what goes in YOUR Soon Box and in the Now Box in your life. I don't. You do. You can do it.

I am grateful for the love that my Student Support friends have given me today, even if they don't know that they've done something awesome for me today, that's the magic of Angels.

Let it be Love,Let it be Hope, Let it be YOU that Shines.

Have a Tender Mercy Terrific rest of the week! Good Night,Sleep Tight, and wake up in God's loving light

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